Fair trade books event
A few of the family and friends who joined us at Fair Trade Books
We had a wonderful time on March 23 (yesterday as I write this) at Fair Trade Books in Red Wing, MN. This is a treasure of a bookstore that obviously loves their customers and enjoys the book business. Some fantastic fans & family showed up. So fun! We got to visit with many customers who came through the store.
God is merciful, and after Thursday night’s snow, we received a break in the weather. Yesterday was a lovely, sunny late-March day. The drive was delightful. GPS routed us across the river into Wisconsin briefly, and driving among the bluffs along the river in the sunshine is a sure way to make your heart sing.
If you haven’t been to Red Wing, I highly recommend it. Fair Trade Books is obviously on the must-visit list. There are a number of other shops downtown, including a fantastic bakery. We also stopped in an old railroad depot that’s been converted to the largest Caribou Coffee shop anywhere. Finally we drove to King’s Bar & Grill in Miesville and met my brother and his wife for supper. King’s is well worth the trip. Imagine pretty much anything you could put on a hamburger, and it’s on their menu, along with a lot of things you’ve NEVER thought about putting on a burger. And it’s all delicious.
We drove a few hours to get home and rolled in just as the snow was starting to fall. They’re saying about a foot in the next couple days, so we’ll see. If the wind comes up as predicted it might turn into a bit of a blizzard.
Many thanks to everyone who came to Red Wing yesterday! We loved seeing you and having a chance to visit. We’re putting together more indie bookstore events in the next few months, and we’ll keep you posted here and through my email list.
A special thank-you to Rick & Zoe at Fair Trade Books, as well as Robert who works Saturdays and gets paid in books. You all have bookstore hospitality down to a fine art, and we so enjoyed time with you!